Mountain West Affiliate of ANPD

Invitation to Join!

Posted about 7 years ago by Kristin Belderson

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 Invitation to Join ANPD Mountain West Affiliate

ANPD Mountain West Affiliate was formed in 2016 to bring together nursing professional development practitioners from local and regional health care organizations around Colorado.  We are an affiliate member of the Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD).  ANPD Mountain West Affiliate aspires to (1) build camaraderie among professional development practitioners, (2) offer continuing education opportunities, and (3) develop networking opportunities.

We invite you and your colleagues to join our group as we come together to share best practices and challenges in our professional environments.  We aim to have a diverse and robust group of individuals present.


I am not a member of ANPD; can I still join Mountain West Affiliate?  Yes, you can! You do not need to be a member of the national ANPD organization in order to join the Mountain West Affiliate.

What if I am not in a professional educator role but still interested in joining?  We welcome anyone interested in joining!

How often does Mountain West Affiliate meet?  We are planning to meet every other month.

How much is the membership fee?  There is no membership fee to join at this time. 

I cannot always make meetings, are there other ways to stay connected?  Yes! We have a website ( in which we post announcements, upcoming events, and meeting minutes. We also will be incorporating teleconference options into the meetings. 

Please consider joining Mountain West Affiliate today!